Saturday, February 14, 2009


I would say that I was, generally, against slavery and slave labor. But when it comes to my children...well....

Can I give you some bathroom tile advice. NEVER EVER use those little teeny, tiny tiles on the floor. Just don't!
This next picture is a project I've been meaning to get to for nearly 2 years! It's our master bathroom floor. It's been cleaned and mopped before, but it really needed some serious elbow grease to get the job done properly. Finally, I just gave the job to Katelyn.
She did the job over a few days, one section at a time. We used a scrub with bleach and I didn't want her to spend too much time in the fumes.

I see a bit of a difference, don't you?
Universal Studio Pictures are up. Click on the side (blog list) under Our Florida Vacation.


Julia said...

Wow, Katelyn did a wonderful job! When can she come over and do some scrubbing for me?

stacy said...

Wow! What a job! Did you get the rest of it done yet? I give my kids the bleach and scrubbers and set them to work on the floor but I don't get results like that.
I'm off to see your vacation pics...

Anonymous said...

I am calling defax. LOL! The floor looks great! I just started using something I love on my floors. It's called the h2o mop. All it uses is water and steam. I am a floor clean freak and it works! I should have taken some pics of the junk it got up.

Traci said...

i don't get it.....everyone says it looks great, but didn't it take the color out and, therefore, it looks bad now? i missing something?
I am sure i am....enlighten me.
~~ tap

Traci said...

OK...nevermid...i enlarged the picture and saw the scary, scary my previous comment....she did a fantastic job....maybe i will fly her down to texas to clean mine.....i'm all for child labor!!!!.....especially when it benefits me! :)