Thursday, November 12, 2009


OK, so this is another reason my son may not make it to adulthood. He asked me today if I was "around" when the new ironclad ships were invented. You know, the ones that were used in the Civil War. I just stared at him when he said, "Oops, guess that WAS in the 1800's." His father thought it was pretty funny, too. He might not last long either. :)


stacy said...

Doesn't he know that people who are ONLY 29 were not around that long ago?

Michelle said...

Excuse me? I'M only 28!

The thing is...I still remember when 28 SOUNDED old.

♥elisabeth joy♥ said...

28! I mean really! I thought you were only 25! I guess that's what happens when you think.

♥elisabeth joy♥ said...

Ps. You owe me.

Michelle said...

Awww, Elisabeth. I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. (For once)

And, yes, I do.

♥ Amy said...

Obviously, Elisabeth hadn't read the comment about older siblings on my kitten post yet. I think you owe her double.

Amy Sue said...

Ahhh boys. Gotta love their brutal honesty...or their ingenious ways of insulting us with an innocent look on their face. I'm surrounded by boys here...always trying to be the funny guy on campus!