Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New child training method.

I think it's going to be a complete success.

Only one of these boys is mine. Can ya guess which one? (I'll give you a hint. It's the cute one!LOL)


stacy said...

Ooh, I like it. Where can I get one and how many kids can you fit in it? Hmm, maybe I might have to get two.

I like your new design!

Julia said...

Hey!!! Mine's pretty durn cute too! :) Glad to see you posting again!

♥ Amy said...

Oh, I know, I know!!! It's the little red-headed one on the right! You can bring my prize to church tonight. :)

Anne M Adams said...

Megan keeps saying~ Mommy why are those boys in a cage? lol... I just told her that lady's smart hahahaha and her response was so they cant' scoot?? Josiah doesn;t walk or crawl,, he just scoots everywhere

vicki said...

i love it. can i get one for abbey? haha